Single Mothers: The Forgotten of the Republic

Title: Single Mothers: The Forgotten of the Republic

Duration: 52 minutes

Broadcast Date: December 12, 2024

Broadcaster: LCP

Director: Réjane Varrod

Production: Cathy Palumbo and Victor Robert


Everyone knows one of these invisible mothers, yet no one would trade places with them. In France, there are now over two and a half million single mothers, and the number continues to rise.

These single mothers are tightrope walkers, balancing on a fragile wire; without vigilance, they often fall but always get back up, with no respite. Everything rests on their shoulders, yet society struggles to prioritize their needs and implement concrete solutions to support them.

This universal film aims to shed light on their reality, listen to their voices, and recognize their struggles.

  • Written and Directed by: Réjane Varrod
    Duration: 52 minutes / Year: 2024
    Editing: Christian Cuilleron
    Cinematography: Guillaume Chamerat
    Sound: Christophe Foulon
    Co-produced by: 10.7 Productions / LCP-Assemblée nationale