M6 : The disinherited

Title : The disinherited

Duration : 45′

Broadcaster : M6

Director: Charlotte Espel

Cinematography : Alexandre Largeron, Mateo Masnada, Yoann Prodhomme

Editor : Colin Guillemant

Chief editor : Laurent Dy

Production editor : Blandine Bernhard

Production Assistant : Natacha Vautrin

Production :  Victor Robert


Do you have the right to disinherit your children? In principle, no. In France, it is written in black and white in the Civil Code: it is forbidden to disinherit one’s descendants – unless there is an unworthiness clause. But as people separate and remarry, the sacrosanct principle wavers. In fact and in law, there are many ways of getting round the law, such as life insurance and expatriation.

Here are some family stories where inheritance is not always a blessing!

June 11, 2024 on M6