France Inter, Instant M
Tuesday March 22, Anne Sinclair is at the microphone of Sonia Devillers to talk about the documentary film “La rafle des notables”, inspired by her book and directed by Gabriel Le Bomin.
They are 743 crammed into 3rd class carriages. They are what we call “notables”: educated, well-to-do, qualified, decorated. They absolutely do not understand why the German police came to get them on December 12, 1941, nor how long this brutal and humiliating comedy will last. How can we imagine that most of them will end the journey in a gas chamber? Among these men in felt hats and well-tailored overcoats is Anne Sinclair’s grandfather. Léonce Schwartz, 63 years old. From the morning of their arrest to the first convoy to Auschwitz, the journalist recounts what her companions in poverty experienced. To give back a name, a body, a voice, a history to these French Jews that the State has abandoned to the Germans. Words on the dark side and now, images.
The film will be broadcast on Wednesday March 23, 2022 at 10:40 p.m. on France 2 in the Infrarouge program.